Thursday, March 22, 2012

Terrified of Thirty

So in a little over four months I will be turning the dreaded 30! Ughhh! So painful. I have accomplished a lot in the last 29 years but there is still so much that I wish I had, graduating from college, getting married, having kids, owning a house, traveling the world, etc, etc. I have come to accept that those things will come with time and will happen when they are supposed to happen. But there are still so many smaller things that I want to tackle by the time I am 30. I am making it my mission to complete the following 30 things and then celebrate turning 30 with my fabulous friends and family in a big way! I am looking forward to the challenges, excitement, learning, fear, tears, and laughter that will come along the way. Let's do this!

30 Things!

1) Learn to drive a standard
2) Be in two places at the same time
3) Get a tattoo
4) Sing Karaoke
5) Learn to canoe or kayak
6) Learn to change my own oil
7) Get over my fear of swimming in a lake
8) Rent a sports car for a day and drive all over the city
9) Finally have my own PiYo class
10) Run a 5K
11) Make my own wine
12) Rock Climb
13) Spend a night under the stars
14) Learn how to use chopsticks
15) Learn to knit
16) Go on a wine tour
17) Watch the top 10 movies on IMDB
18) See a Yankee game
19) Learn to juggle
20) Go horse back riding
21) Take a self defense class
22) Learn to water ski
23) Sky dive
24) Learn to play poker and then play in a casino
25) Get over fear of flying a kite
26) Solve a rubix cube
27) Learn how to make sushi
28) One mile one a hippty hop (if you watch Friends- you know what I am talking about)
29) Go to a shooting range
30) Plan an off the wall 30th Birthday Celebration!